We’ve made it through the post-Christmas lull ready for a fresh start. While much of what’s posted online and shared on social media still centers on weight loss resolutions, we’ve learned to set our sights on goals that align with our 2025 intentions. This collective shift toward size inclusivity and body acceptance not only paves the way for greater self-love but also frees up more headspace for all the ways we truly want to grow. Maybe that’s becoming a more engaging conversationalist, or perhaps you’d like to dedicate more time to your hobbies. Whatever you want from the year to come, these monthly goals will help you get from Point A to Point B.
Trust me: countless years before this saw me defaulting to the same “lose X pounds by X date” resolution. Now, with experience and perspective, I see the countless ways in which this didn’t serve me. Not only that, but the weight-loss resolution distracted me from the more impactful and aligned intentions I could have made. But, over the past few years, I’ve grown into a more observant, compassionate, and curious person thanks to the monthly goals I’m sharing below. My hope is that they’ll do the same for you.
12 Monthly Goals to Try in 2025
This time of year can be a lot. Not only do the holidays bring on deadlines, travel, family gatherings, and more potential stressors, but there’s also the immediate return to our fast-paced lifestyles come January 1. We’re overbooked and overwhelmed—and the pressure to change our habits, rituals, and routines doesn’t help.
And while all of this comes with a certain level of excitement (I too, love the energy of a new year), it can be difficult to know what intentions support you best when social media is saturated with others’ resolutions. For clarity, Camille’s vision workbook is all the guidance you need. And when it’s inspiration you’re lacking, these monthly goals help you stay focused on what’s truly important.
So if you’re ready to hit the ground running and dive full-speed into your 2025 goals and intentions, I have advice: slow down. I like to think of these monthly goals as invitations. They are ideas that can help you experience the year as a calmer, more content, more connected, and more creative version of yourself. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. And don’t be afraid to move slowly. After all, the more sustainable we make our goals, the more likely they are to become habits—and transform into a lifestyle you love.
January: Explore a New Form of Movement
If we’re on the same side of Instagram, then your feed has also been inundated with offers for exercise programs and studios touting the ‘New Year, New You’ promise. Thankfully, plenty of new fitness programs have cropped up in the past few years, and as a result, there’s truly something for everyone.
ACSM Worldwide Fitness Trends predicted that 2025 will see a continued interest in on-demand exercise classes, strength training, and functional fitness training (movement modalities focused on improving daily living activities). Take this as an invitation to switch things up. If you find yourself dreading your workouts, connect with something fun and playful. That could be trying a dance-based workout or joining an adult sports league. Bonus points for training your social muscle.
Workouts programs we love include:
Remember: It’s always important to find and build a movement routine that supports your body, mind, and fitness goals best. Explore the options above or chat with your healthcare provider about what might be best for you.
February: Build a Self-Love Practice
While this month focuses largely on the role romantic love plays in our lives, trust that you don’t have to be in a relationship to experience the joy of human connection. What’s more, February can be an opportunity for you to shift your focus inward and make time for more self-love in your everyday life.
This all begins with how you speak to yourself. Are you overly critical when you make a mistake? Do you often compare yourself to others—based on appearance, intelligence, or success? In the past, have you spent more energy on other people in your life at the cost of your own wants and needs?
In February, make it your monthly goal to prioritize yourself. Despite what many people think, self-love isn’t selfish—and the cliché is true, that we need to pour into ourselves first before we can support others.
Ways to Practice Self-Love
- Say positive affirmations. Say them in the morning, at night, in the mirror, on your drive to work—whenever and wherever. By speaking affirmations out loud, you’re giving power to what’s innately true about who you are. Get started with these affirmations for women.
- Reflect on your successes. Before bed, at the end of the work week, and at the end of the month, spend time with your journal reflecting on what went well for you. Write about your role in making these events and successes happen. Not only does it help you relive those affirming moments, but you’ll also have a concrete log detailing just how amazing you are.
- Practice owning your wins. So often, we’re afraid to congratulate ourselves or talk about our accomplishments out of fear that it may be seen as bragging. In conversation, speak proudly about what’s going well at work and in your personal life. The more you do it, the more it invites others to honor themselves as well.

March: Deep-Clean Your Home
Spring cleaning is one of my favorite annual milestones. The yearly ritual gives me a concrete timeframe dedicated to refreshing my home. When we set aside this intentional time to clear out what no longer serves us and scrub down those often-forgotten places, it becomes less of a stressor and more of a routine we can look forward to.
So, how do you make this monthly goal happen without getting overwhelmed? See these tried-and-true tips below.
- Make a priorities list. What cleaning or organizing tasks would be the most impactful for your space? List out 2-3 priority rooms or areas and tackle those first.
- Romanticize your cleaning routine. Pop in the AirPods and put on your favorite podcast or an audiobook. Use non-toxic cleaning products and light a candle as you go. When you accomplish one of your priority tasks, enjoy a little treat like a solo coffee date.
- Take it step by step. No matter how small your space, you likely won’t be able to do it all in one day. Release the pressure to have a clean, sparkling home immediately, and remember: you have the entire month to accomplish this goal.
April: Carve Out a Daily Creative Block
It’s true: there’s never enough time. That’s why we have to make time for what’s important. If you have hobbies or creative projects that have fallen by the wayside thanks to the busy shuffle of everyday life, get critical about how you’re actually spending your time. Is your phone your default source of entertainment at any lull in the day? Do your evenings look like a movie and takeout—night after night? While there’s no shame in zoning out every once in a while (trust me, it can be so good for the soul), it’s easier to manifest our dream lives when we incorporate them into our daily routines in small, but game-changing ways.
While all of our schedules are different, the majority of us can find 30-60 minutes in the morning or evening to dedicate to something we love doing. Maybe you’re writing a novel you haven’t touched in months, or you’re haunted by the half-completed knitting projects piling up in your closet. Whatever the passion or hobby, this month, experiment with finding the sweet spot in your day when you can do exactly that. No, they may not catapult your career or provide monetary value, but hobbies have a way of infusing our lives with meaning, promise, and joy.

May: Try Silent Walking
While the idea of walking without your phone and nothing in your ears sounds far from groundbreaking, we all know how hard it can be to disconnect. Our lives are filled with constant distractions, and finding a little peace in our day where we’re left with nothing but our thoughts can be uncomfortable at first. But when we commit to intentional time moving our bodies outside, it can transform our energy, our emotions, and how we approach the day.
Start with 10 minutes and experiment from there. If your experience is anything like mine, you’ll be craving 30 minutes or more of silent walking—daily.
June: Get Intentional About Your Social Life
Maybe it’s all the holiday parties we’ve been attending, but I’ve had countless conversations throughout the past month with friends and family saying that they want to be more intentional about their social lives in 2025. Our time and energy are finite resources, and understanding that saying yes means saying no to something else has helped me pause before taking on responsibilities and accepting invitations.
The next time you’re invited to a dinner, happy hour, or on a trip, pause. It’s okay to respond: “I’m not sure of my plans yet, let me get back to you.” Then, take the next day to look at your schedule, reflect on your bandwidth, and get quiet with your needs. Would saying yes to this event contribute to your well-being or detract from it? Respond accordingly.
July: Get Closer to Your Food
Rather than setting hard-to-commit-to intentions about consuming certain amounts of protein or the nebulous “healthy” meals, I like to weave more intention into my eating habits. This looks like eating more mindfully, making cooking more fun, and getting curious about certain ingredients and how local produce was grown. It’s a reminder that wellness is more than what you eat—how you eat counts, too.
Some ways to do this:
- Join a CSA.
- Visit weekly farmer’s markets.
- Romanticize your grocery shopping. Get coffee, go with a friend, wear a cute outfit, etc.
- Treat yourself to a new cookbook and challenge yourself to make a recipe each week.
- Grow indoor herbs, join a community garden, or plant in raised garden beds.
- Sit down to dinner without any distractions and practice mindful eating.
- Focus on cooking with seasonal ingredients.

August: Revamp Your Morning Routine
We’re all about setting a strong foundation for the day with a morning routine. By giving yourself time to gradually reorient yourself to the day and get aligned before jumping into work, it’s possible to feel more grounded and calm as you move from task to task. Trust me, I’ve been the person who wakes up five minutes before her 8:30 Zoom call—and after months of feeling both sluggish and stressed, I knew it was time to switch it up.
Despite what social media might make you believe, your morning routine doesn’t have to be complex. Rather, as with all of these monthly goals, it’s important to make them work for you.
Morning Routine Template
Follow this template to help you design a morning ritual that supports you best.
- Something for your mind. Allow your mind to wake up and mentally stretch before diving into your work day. This can look like journaling, praying, meditating, reading an inspiring book, or listening to a podcast that’ll help you set the tone for the day to come.
- Something for your body. No, it doesn’t have to be a full-blown, hour-long workout. Instead, try a (silent!) walk outside, moving through a stretch routine, or doing a quick 10-minute yoga flow. Whatever makes you feel present in your body, do exactly that.
- Something just for you. This is entirely up to you. It can be a few minutes scrolling Instagram if that’s what you need. Or, perhaps the morning is the only opportunity you have to read. Maybe you love relishing your morning coffee. Be selfish and protect this time at all costs. Whatever you decide to do, ensure that it supports the version of yourself that you want to show up as each day.
For more inspiration on practicing grounding morning rituals, get inspired with Camille’s time-stamped routine.
September: Do a Life Edit
I can’t take credit for this idea—Shira Gill’s brilliant new book, LifeStyled, introduced me to the concept. While a life edit might seem like an ideal practice for the top of the year, it’s become my favorite September tradition. (The back-to-school season inspires a natural, fresh-start feeling.)
A life edit asks you to do an audit of every part of your life, helping you clear away any unnecessary clutter and carve out space for what you want to attract. Start by reflecting on the primary areas of your life: digital, home, financial, wellness, mental health, and social life. From there, ask yourself the following:
- What feels overwhelming?
- In what ways am I not feeling fulfilled?
- What can I let go of?
- What do I want to let in?
Outline the steps that will help you create more clarity for each area of your life. Once you’ve finished the process, you’ll feel more confident and content with how you’re spending your energy, attention, and time.

October: Replace Phone Time With Reading
I’ve read 60 books this year, and I get asked all the time: how do you have so much time for reading? (Hint: I don’t.) The majority of my reading is done in those in-between moments—when I’m sitting in the doctor’s office, waiting for a friend to meet up for dinner, on the train, etc. Yes, I have an evening reading habit, but I’ve discovered that reaching for my book instead of my phone has been the biggest game changer.
And while the concept is simple (swap your phone for a book), in practice, it can be a challenge to carry out. I keep my phone on airplane mode throughout the day so that I’m not tempted by a screen cluttered with notifications. What’s more, I always have a book on me. I store small paperbacks in my purse, larger hardcovers in my work bag, and I always have an audiobook downloaded on Libby.
To be successful with this, I’ve found that crowding out the temptation to reach for my phone by making reading more appealing lowers the barriers to entry that exist with any new habit. And the good news is that the more you do it, the easier it becomes to forget all about your phone.
November: Go Deep With Gratitude
With Thanksgiving near the end of the month, it makes sense that November’s theme would be centered on gratitude. But I like to do this so we can more intentionally and deeply consider the ways gratitude positively contributes to our lives. For many people, the concept of gratitude feels like a superficial, nice-to-have practice in their routine. And while it’s easy to simply list off the things we’re grateful for, I’ve discovered that it’s all the more gratifying to consider the why. Oftentimes, when we do so, we reveal the underlying gratitudes that exist within.
An example: One day I was journaling about how grateful I was for my morning cup of coffee. I had the luxury of enjoying it in bed with my cats circling me. A candle was flickering and I made it through 20 pages of my book before getting ready for the day. And while it might seem that the coffee was the central point of this ideal morning, in reflecting upon it further, I realized that it was my partner prepping the coffee the evening before that allowed this moment to happen. In truth, I was grateful for my partner and his small, thoughtful act that led to a beautiful morning.
To summarize: That process was more impactful than simply writing, “I am grateful for my coffee.” This month, challenge yourself to think critically about your gratitude and understand the why. I’ve found that by doing so, it’s easier to live in a state of thankfulness and awe at the everyday magic all around me.

December: Commit to Journaling
If you’ve already built a consistent journaling practice—bravo! I’ve found that it’s one of the most difficult monthly habits to commit to, but once you do so, it’s also the most transformative. As a previous journaling skeptic, it took forcing myself to sit in silence with my thoughts and being open to whatever came up. A word of warning: it can be a difficult and uncomfortable process at times, but it’s one that will help you foster a more compassionate and curious relationship with your thoughts.
When I was a beginner, guided journals and prompts helped me find a place to start when I was lacking inspiration. For a deep dive into starting your practice, look no further than Camille’s ultimate guide to journaling. Even just five minutes a day can change so much.
Looking for more ways to level up in 2025? Camille shares her step-by-step process of creating a vision board—and manifesting your dream life.