Mastering the order of operations is essential for tackling complex equations with confidence. This printable order of operations worksheet bundle includes fun activities to teach your students to follow the correct process step by step. With these worksheets, your entire class will stay on the same page, building accuracy and efficiency in problem-solving. Plus, every worksheet includes a handy answer sheet for quick and easy grading!
Click the button below to receive your printable order of operations worksheet bundle.
What’s included in the bundle?
We Are Teachers
Order of Operations Anchor Chart
This sheet serves as a guide for the rest of the bundle. There is space to fill in crucial definitions such as what grouping symbols and exponents are. Walk your students through the sheet while making sure they understand the fundamentals.
We Are Teachers
Order of Operations Choice Board
Give your students the gift of choice! Set a number of problems for them to complete on the choice board. Or, have them fill out the entire sheet out for bonus points!
We Are Teachers
Order of Operations Tic-Tac-Toe
Students play Rock, Paper, Scissors with a partner to decide who goes first. To claim a square with an X or an O, they must solve the problem inside it. If students disagree on whether an answer is correct or not, they can check with the teacher.
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Order of Operations Riddle
Students complete each equation and cross out the words of the correct answers in the menu on the right. The words that remain after solving all the equations using the correct order of operations will be the answer to the riddle.
Get my free order of operations printable worksheet bundle!
Ready to teach about the order of operations? Grab our printable order of operations worksheet bundle by clicking the button below.
Looking for more ways to engage your students revolving around math? Check out our 100 math riddles for kids and grown-ups.
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Tina Stanley is a news writer for Barnard Griffin News. She loves to write about arts, entertainment, lifestyle, and home news. She has a passion for writing about things that make people happy.