Review of Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh (ebook)


Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh


We Need Diverse Books founder Ellen Oh returns with Spirit Hunters, a high-stakes middle grade mystery series about Harper Raine, the new seventh grader in town who must face down the dangerous ghosts haunting her younger brother. A riveting ghost story and captivating adventure, this tale will have you guessing at every turn!

Harper doesn’t trust her new home from the moment she steps inside, and the rumors are that the Raine family’s new house is haunted. Harper isn’t sure she believes those rumors, until her younger brother, Michael, starts acting strangely. The whole atmosphere gives Harper a sense of déjà vu, but she can’t remember why. She knows that the memories she’s blocking will help make sense of her brother’s behavior and the strange and threatening sensations she feels in this house, but will she be able to put the pieces together in time?




This was pretty creepy for a middle grade book. I didn’t expect that.

Harper is a great mc. I loved her relationship with her little brother. Harper has a big gap in her memory. She knows there was a fire at her school and that she was in a hospital for awhile. While she was there, something happened to her that broke a lot of bones in her body. The family leaves NYC and moves to DC. Their house is very old and feels very off to Harper. Then her brother starts acting weird. Harper needs help but her mom doesn’t believe in anything supernatural. She makes a new friend and finds an old one that can help. She also finds out a lot more about her grandma and what Harper actually is.

I gave this book 5 stars.


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