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Why this dad refused to punish his son for bullying—and what he did instead

When your child hurts another child’s feelings, what’s your first instinct? For many parents, it’s to demand an immediate apology and punishment. But one dad’s thoughtful response is making parents rethink how we handle these tough moments.

In a viral TikTok video that’s still sparking important conversations about parenting and accountability even a couple of years later, Patrick Forseth shared how he turned his 9-year-old son’s bullying incident into a powerful lesson about empathy and making amends.

A different approach to making things right

When Forseth received an email about his son Lincoln’s “prank” that had embarrassed a classmate, he didn’t minimize the situation. Instead, he called it what it was: bullying. But rather than following the traditional route of forced apologies and punishment, Forseth took a remarkably different approach.

“I demanded nothing out of him,” he explained in his video. “We can’t take things back, but we can try to correct things and look for forgiveness.”

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Letting kids lead their own resolution

Instead of dictating how his son should make amends, Forseth empowered Lincoln to figure out how to make things right. After a heartfelt conversation about empathy and accountability, Lincoln took the initiative to connect with his classmate. Upon discovering their shared interest in Pokémon, Lincoln chose to give his peer two of his favorite Pokémon cards, carefully presented in a cleaned case—a gesture that led to an unexpected hug between the boys.

Experts weigh in 

The video’s comments section quickly filled with educators and child development professionals praising this thoughtful approach to conflict resolution.

“I’m an S/LP who has worked w/ kids for decades,” user Sheila commented. “You are teaching the power of communication: cause & effect; decision-making; perspective-taking; empathy…key life skills. You are a gift to our future.”

Widmom624 added: “From a first grade teacher – thank you!!! You turned it into a lesson that he and the other boy will remember in a good way. 🧡”

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Parents share their perspectives

Many parents in the comments reflected on their own approaches to discipline and bullying:

“Well done, dad. This is my rule to my kids-think about how you would feel. Teach kids to respect and be kind to everyone. Not enough parents do this.” said TikTok user Tabz.

Melissa noted: “This is wonderful. We all make mistakes. It’s about recognizing the mistake and validating the other person’s feelings.”

The takeaway: Building character through accountability

The viral moment highlights a powerful truth about parenting: sometimes the most effective teaching moments come not from punishment, but from allowing our children to understand the impact of their actions and find their own path to making things right.

As Forseth reminds us, the goal isn’t just to correct behavior—it’s to help our children develop the emotional intelligence and problem-solving skills they’ll need throughout their lives. By guiding rather than forcing, we can turn challenging moments into opportunities for genuine growth and understanding.

In a world where quick fixes often seem most appealing, this dad’s approach offers a thoughtful reminder that taking the time to let our children learn from their mistakes might just be the most valuable gift we can give them.

Related: Mom’s viral TikTok on parenting adult kids sparks debate over her ‘controversial’ rules

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